Customer feedback

This is the most important feature of It's what makes it more valuable than a listing in Yellow Pages or any number of traditional adverts. Feedback means customers don't have to take your word for it that you're good. They have the experiences of other customers to prove it.

How it works

When you've finished a job, the customer fills in a very brief "feedback form" like the one shown below. The actual categories against which the customer gives marks vary according to your type of business.

  1 2 3 4 5
Quality of work:
Quick completion:
Within Estimate:
Would use again:
Your comments
about this job:

Average feedback scores are shown on your listings and customers can "drill down" to see detailed feedback for each individual job. Don't forget that new member businesses can get their feedback off to a flying start by supplying up to 2 references in each of their categories.

What if you disagree?

Should you get feedback that isn't as positive as you deserve, you have the right to reply. Your replys will be added to the bottom of the customer's feedback and the feedback will show up as "disputed" on your feedback record. The customer gets a chance to respond if they want, then finally you can add one last comment.

Coming soon...

Search by feedback: Eventually, customers will be able to use feedback categories as part of their search criteria, though this won't be available until the member businesses have had a chance to build up a decent feedback record.

Feedback on estimates: I'm considering a very much cut-down version of feedback for estimates which includes confidential price information. This would feed into your business intelligence, showing how your prices compare with others and the effect this has on potential customers.

next: Business intelligence.

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